Today's promos and deals on Remitano valid from February to March, 2025

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Based in Seychelles, the Remitano was started in April 2016 as a peer to peer bitcoin exchange and later they added support for many other cryptocurrencies including ETH, LTC, etc. Today, they are supporting more than 50 currencies and already traded volume of $9B.

3 FAQs for Voucher Codes

Is it legit and safe?

Remitano is one of the most trusted and legit crpyocurrency exchange with an average ratting of 4.5 stars across the various reviews platforms. You can cross verify that on TrustPilots, Facebook and many other.

When do I need a Remitano coupon code?

You can redeem the promo code at the time of registration at Basically, you get bonus on your first deposit. You can also try a coupon while buying your first crypto to get a discount on transaction fee.

Will I get a Remitano discount or cashback?

There are few Remitano coupon codes that you can use to save on transaction fee. While others give you cashback and free rewards. Based on your requirement, you can try any of these coupons and save on your next order or deposit.