Today's promos and deals on Divi Extended valid from November to December, 2024

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Divi Extended is the online store by Elicus Technologies, a software company owned and operated by 13 professionals in India. Basically, it has plugins and child themes to customize the Divi. If you often use the Divi theme and looking to customize your theme or want to enhance the functionality, then the Divi Extended is the most easiest solution.

3 FAQs

What is included in the membership?

You can purchase the Divi Extended membership for the entire year. It includes over 10 plugins, 50 child themes, and over 15 layouts. You can use it for unlimited websites with one year full access to update and support.

Is there any Divi Extended discount for renewal?

Unfortunately, most of the deals and Divi Extended coupon code is available for the new orders only. However we suggest to try the coupon to your renewal order. May be you get a discount if it is generic coupon.

Do you have Divi Extended coupon code for lifetime plan?

Yes, of course! Now you can purchase the lifetime membership of the Divi Extended without spending full price. All you have to apply the promo code to get additional discount on already low price. Based on the coupon, you can expect anything from 10% off to as much as 30% off.