TourScanner is the world’s leading tour and travel aggregator where you find the catalogs of different activities, classes, tours and trips. Most importantly, TourScanner is Free to search portal that allow you to compare the pricing from hundreds of booking sites with just few clicks. It is most easiest and quickest way to find the best deal online.
3 FAQs
Do I need to join TourScanner first?
Well, you don’t have to signup or join for their membership program. TourScanner is a Free to use and publicly available website. You can simply search your city name to start exploring the activities within it.
When can I use TourScanner coupon code?
You can apply the promo code listed here only when you join for their premium membership. If you are planning to get the paid plan and want a discount, then the coupon is the best solution for TourScanner.
How much TourScanner discount can I expect?
Well, it depends on the list of the deals and available TourScanner coupon code. Sometime you get whopping 70% off, while on the other day you get only 20% off. So based on the deals and the destination you choose, you get a discount here.