Today's promos and deals on Slimcrystal valid from November to December, 2024

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Basically, Slimcrystal is the water bottle that contains 9 different types of crystals that are known to reduce weights naturally. All you have to drink 2 to 3 liter of water per days through Slimcrystal and see the difference.

3 FAQs

How do money back guarantee work?

Slimcrystal provides the 60 days money back guarantee. If you don’t like their water bottle, then you can ask for refund within 60 days from the date of the purchase. They will refund full.

Where to apply Slimcrystal coupon code?

The payment of Slimcrystal is handle by Clickbank, so you need to apply the promo code at the Clickbank only. Make sure you don’t order the water bottle from third party sites like Amazon etc. As most of the coupons are good for the main site only.

How to get extra Slimcrystal discount?

You get whopping $200 discount when order multiple bottles. Furthermore, you enjoy a free shipping on the entire order. Most importantly, you don’t need any Slimcrystal coupon code.