Today's promos and deals on Quincy Lash valid from November to December, 2024

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Quincy Lash is the Singapore based makeup and beauty company. They are specialize in selling magnetic fake lashes, especially for Asian eyes. Every eyes are different same as every person and face. We can settle with generic lashes available on market. That is the reason why QuincyLash was founded for Asian people who want to wear lash.

3 FAQs

What to do if my Quincy Lash coupon code not work?

There are many reasons that your promo code doesn’t work. First, you type incorrectly, every coupons are case sensitive. Secondly, you are using the promo code for the items not under the qualified category. Lastly, Quincy Lash  may have discontinue your coupon.

Is there any Quincy Lash discount available?

Yes, we have exclusive Quincy Lash coupon code for all our readers. You can use against your first order. Furthermore, they have combo deals and free shipping promotion too.

How does QuincyLash work?

Apply the magic magnetic eyeliner to your lash line. Wait for 60 seconds to dry, Bring magnetic lash close to your lash line and it will snap into place. Your are all set now!